Morning y'all! Last weekend's shoot went great. One big learning re: managing costs - snacks are OVERRATED. Hardly touched over 10+ hours. So next time: less snacks, more pizza + booze.

The links

1. How hard did Steve Jobs work? (great story)

2. Create your next imperfect site

3. Video games that help kids

4. 3 reasons why someone downloads an app

5. Airbnb founder's first startup

Random bet: hot coffee will be pushed to the brink of nonexistence within the next 20 years. The writing's on the wall: as of last year, iced outsold hot drinks for the first time @ starbs (even in winter). If you look at how gen z drinks coffee, it's iced and only iced. Anecdotally, I can't remember the last time I had hot coffee - and it feels like this is already a large, growing minority among millennial coffee drinkers.

Long iced, short hot! Which leads me to thought #2 - it probably means there's a unique retail play to be made here. Smaller store footprints, fewer SKUs, iced-only menus. Hmmmm

Peter Levin