Morning everyone! Let's jump right in:

The links

1. Find someone's filter bubble

2. How to write and sell a best-selling book

3. Thread of lifehacks

4. First GMO mosquitos to be released

5. Q&A with @waitbutwhy

TIL: vegetable oils are in ~everything and play a much larger role in modern diseases than most people realize. If you want to dig deeper, read this piece.

Idea of the week: Millions of people drive their car along the ~same paths every day. This feels like an untapped money-making opportunity. The core thinking here is more like airbnb, not uber: making unproductive assets more productive. Uber is a taxi replacement - on-demand drivers going wherever riders are and to wherever they choose. Vs. this use case, which is designed for the casual driver - ie. home<>work - to make extra money en route. Can call it: OMW.

Peter Levin