Morning! T-minus ~1 week before we drop our first game outside the INCO franchise. Can't wait to show y'all :)
The links
1. An instant cure for hiccups
2. Which countries make NYT headlines
3. Airbnb for your backyard
4. Why the price of coca cola didn't change
5. Internet in a box
What I'm thinking about: Toys R Us 2.0. Today, toys + games are nothing more than a couple aisles in a Target or Walmart superstore. But - if you have kids or younger sibs, these are ~the only aisles they care about! The second those automatic doors crack open enough, it's a mad dash to this corner of the Big Box. There's latent demand for a reincarnated Toys R Us, but it should probably look a lot less like a grocery store, and more like Disney // Dave & Busters.