Gooooood morning! I'm back in Worcester for the weekend - the fam doesn't know this, but my older bro is flying here from San Ant for a lil surprise visit. None of us have seen him since pre-covid so I'll be locked in, ready to capture the best reax when he walks in :)

The links

1. Lessons from creator of Amazon Prime

2. New app lets you control someone else's life

3. The rebrand of H.E.R.

4. Making passive income by publishing books

5. A (way) better Zoom

Fave read of the week: Founding vs Inheriting by Balaji.

Reasons to be optimistic: every year - for decades now - millions of people are lifted out of extreme poverty. But, this doesn't make the news - it doesn't outrage, which means it doesn't get click$. Another reminder: avoid the daily news treadmill. You'll feel much better :)

Peter Levin