Happy friday everyone! 

The links:

1. The fastest, profitable $1B company ever

2. Smartest plays in sports history (7 min vid)

3. What has to happen for you to change your mind?

4. The MLB is getting creative for the 2020 season

5. In the early 1900s, only 5% of Americans brushed their teeth daily. 5 years later it was 80%. Here's why.

Idea of the week: fantasy investing. In a typical year, nothing gets me more fired up for September than fantasy football with my guys. For the next 17 weeks straight, Sundays = redzone  and the days in between = chirping, trades, and research. What would this look like in the world of investing? Everyone could start with $1M of fake money. Pick your bets. Trade stocks. Go head to head to see who can make the most by the end of quarter (season)! I think this would work because it could inherit the same dynamics that make fantasy football great - competition, friends, public data. With some added perks: could happen all year. +win more than bragging rights - build yourself a portfolio that you can show off in interviews, if trying to break into finance, raise a fund etc. 

What's your idea of the week? Would love to hear it!

Peter Levin